There’s a Mouse in My House

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       November 16, 2020


Author  Ross Collins

Distributor:      Nosy Crow
ISBN:                 9781788008259
Publisher:         Nosy Crow
Release Date:   November 2020  




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Colourful, hard back picture books always have a great appeal for young readers and those who read the stories to them; There’s a Mouse in My House is no exception. It has a marvellous, cranky Polar Bear on the front cover. The reason he looks so cranky is because he has a mouse standing on his head!

The presentation of the story flows beautifully, with bold colours on the double page spreads, and large simple illustrations. Though the illustrations are simple, the expressions on the bear’s face and the posture of the mouse show exactly what they are thinking. The drawings complement and complete the text.

Simple and expressive the text flows along in rhythm with the print size good for younger readers to look at, with words that are emphasized printed in red which is an advantage for the reader, allowing them to follow the Author’s intent.

There’s A Mouse In My House has a storyline full of humour. A Polar Bear who lives alone is invaded by a mouse who is a taekwondo expert, a foodie, and who loves to listen to soft rock at night. What a dilemma! A solution must be found, but it is delivered in a most unexpected way.

There’s A Mouse In My House is a story which will be read again and again.  Luckily, it is such fun that the reader will not be too concerned.