
Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       April 16, 2024


Author  Claire Saxby, illustrated by Jess Racklyeft.

Distributor:      A&U Children's
ISBN:                 9781761069505
Publisher:         A&U Children's
Release Date:   April 2024  




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Using marvellous illustrations and descriptive, lyrical language, the Clare Saxby has used this tree as the main character in this picture book, naturally titled Tree.

The story begins with a view of the forest from above. It is a misty morning, but one tree stands taller than the rest. “The tree is older than those who find it, and younger than the land it grows from.” As the mist melts away, we see the tree in all its splendour.

It breathes out oxygen and takes in carbon dioxide. The illustrations move to underneath the ground to show how the roots share the soil with other creatures. They send stories through the soil. At the base of the tree, we find lyrebirds, slaters and beetles.

Now the pictures take us to the tree during a rainstorm. “Rain feeds the tree, feeds the forest.” We see the many creatures which inhabit the tree including possums, beetles, birds and insects. Once the daylight passes, “Close your eyes. Listen to the sounds of the night.” See the different animals which come to the tree. Gliders come to suck the sap, and possums’ flit and chew leaves. Wombats and rats scuffle on the ground below, and steadily the tree grows.

The author’s note at the end of this story explains that this is a Mountain Ash tree, which has miraculously survived bushfires and clearing. “To protect this tree and others like it – is an investment in the health of our world. There is a fold out page in the book showing the tree in greater perspective. Altogether this is an informative and complete work not to be missed.