We’re Going on a Treasure Hunt

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       July 17, 2020


Author  Martha Mumford. Illustrations Laura Hughes

Distributor:      Bloomsbury Children's Books
ISBN:                 9781408893401
Publisher:         Bloomsbury Children's Books
Release Date:   June 2020  




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Martha Mumford and Laura Hughes are back with their latest rollicking good adventure, We’re going On A Treasure Hunt with a boat load of pirates, which turns out to be a huge amount of fun, as there are some wonderful discoveries made under secret flaps to intrigue all little readers.

Counting the many treasures to be discovered as the pages turn by lifting the very tempting flaps to help the pirates, well maybe not so helpfully, find all 10 of the golden coins they are seeking, adds a sneaky learning aspect to the story as well; as you would expect from pirates! Along the way they meet a pod of dolphins who try to capsize their little tiny boat, and then a colony of little crabs think pinching the pirate’s toes is a very funny thing to do.

Monkeys join in as only monkeys can, by dropping coconuts on the treasure hunting pirates and trying to shoo them off their Island.  Somewhere of course there is a very toothy shark and a number of very loud parrots to be discovered.

Counting, seeking and a lovely rollicking style of text come together to make We’re going On A Treasure Hunt a book full of fun, adventure and lots of noisy bedtime reading for beginner readers and younger who love, love, love a great pirate story.

Well, after all  who does not love a very good, very noisy pirate story!