Apocalypse Bow Wow

Reviewed By  Ian Banks       February 11, 2015


Author  James Proimos III and James Proimos Snr

ISBN:                 9781408854983
Publisher:         Bloomsbury Childrens
Release Date:    

Website:    http://www.allenandunwin.com 

This is a rather unusual graphic novel by this father and son team which will appeal to people who enjoy the abstract in life.

It features two dogs who have lain on their sofa while the world comes to an end, only to become aware that something unusual has gone on when their dinner does not materialise as usual.

After waiting in vain they finally leave the comfort of their sofa, to discover their bowls are still empty and their owners appear to have disappeared.

But what comes next. The world as they and apparently everyone else knew has gone for all times and somehow they need to be able to find something to eat.

As they set out to discover what is left of this world they eventually begin to realise that there are other survivors and they are all after the same thing, food and a safe place to stay.

Somewhere in amongst the graphics is a reasonable storyline, but this becomes confusing as it jumps about from space and place to place, but perhaps that’s what happens when the world comes to an end and it really is a dog-eat-dog world.

Then again, you can take a look on the cynical side of things and relate this to social commentary on life as we know it, often referring to the way we live our life and the expectation placed on people to succeed at all costs, as a dog-eat-dog world that we live in. Just a thought!

Whatever the perspective you choose to take, if you enjoy a graphic novel, you will enjoy this apocalypse!