Cops and Crooks

Reviewed By  Kelcey Ellis       November 26, 2014


Author  Tim Preist

ISBN:                 9781742573328
Publisher:         New Holland
Release Date:    


With some laugh out loud moments and more than a few hapless crook escapades you literally find yourselves shaking your head at the sheer stupidity of the crims. This is a selection of short anecdotes from a coppers beat.

There are good guys, dumb crooks, cops that like a good laugh, crooks trying to make a fast buck without actually having to work, too hard, for it; drunken cops, cops waiting for retirement creating and innovative ways to fill their remaining time on the force.


Cops and Crooks has turned the monotony of everyday policing in the good old days, into a 3 ring circus which is well worth the read if you need your funny bone tickled. It does clearly feel there are moments of heavy embellishment,all in the support of a good story; but that is the author’s prerogative.

This is a very easy relaxed read. Author Tim Priest is an ex-copper with over 20 years of service so has many and varied experiences to draw from. Great fun. Enjoy!