Just Murdered
Reviewed By Ian Banks September 13, 2021
Author Katherine Kovacic
Distributor: Allen & Unwin
ISBN: 9781760879396
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Release Date: August 2021
Website: https://www.allenandunwin.com
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Ms Fisher’s Modern Murder Mysteries
Peregrine Fisher, niece of the famous Phryne Fisher, is summoned to the Adventurers Club of the Antipodes, a club of which her Aunt had been a member for many years. She is not at all sure why she has been called to these exalted realms, where a chair with the name of Adventuress Fisher sits empty, her Aunt having failed to return from an adventure some six months previous.
Such is the setting for this somewhat fast paced murder mystery Just Murder set in the 1960’s first introduced as a TV series, an affiliate series bouncing off the Phryne Fisher series of worldwide publicity.
Peregrine, the niece, who had absolutely no idea she had such a famous Aunt, is in a go nowhere relationship, has budding aspirations to become a Private Investigator and has just been sacked from her day job as a hair dresser, for making a complete mess of someone’s hair style.
Going home to regroup, she comes across a pile of letters and bills, hidden by her controlling boyfriend, son to be ex-boyfriend; in amongst these is the summons to the Adventurer’s Club inviting her to call in as she has an inheritance waiting to be collected. While she is being put through her paces Florence Astor, a doyen of the Club is accused of murder. Peregrine jumps at the chance to prove she has the skills and tenacity to solve the case.
Enter Detective James Steed, who has been sent to investigate the case. He soon realizes that Peregrine is not going to be stopped interfering and decides the best way forward is to work with her. When a second death occurs, followed with a request from up high in the Police Force to solve the case quickly, they both realise there is more to the two murders than is immediately obvious.
Placed strategically throughout the story are references to Phryne’s exploits and daring do, without changing the storyline to much, but sufficient to hold the plot together.
Entertaining, enjoyable and so much more detailed than the TV series Just Murdered makes a great light hearted read about murder, mayhem and corruption presented in a blend of the popular TV series The Avengers, Emma Peel and John Steed fame of 1970’s fame and the Phryne Fisher Murder mystery series.