Ozzy Man’s Mad World
Reviewed By Ian Banks November 23, 2017
Author Ozzy Man
Distributor: Allen and Unwin
ISBN: 9781760631185
Publisher: Allen and Unwin
Release Date: November 2017
Website: https://www.allenandunwin.com
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Now I hate to be sexist but, this is probably one book that could be seriously considered as a book for blokes; a serious dunny reading book that has a certain appeal. Some could even call it ‘toilet humour’, but it also, somewhere in among the abstract, could be considered as having some merit. Seriously!
It really all depends on how you choose to view life and all the insane events that do occur on a daily basis, somewhere in Australia, and I dare say, other parts of the world.
Ozzy Man is a bloke who hails from somewhere in Australia, and has made a career, courtesy of You-Tube of sending up the mundane, celebrating the important and special moments in his life so far, which is not really that far at all.
In this collection of what he considers his finest 30 videos, he pauses for a moment to reflect on life and all who travel in it, Ozzy Man style. His language is profound, so if you don’t like profound language, you better put the book down and move on.
He opens his reflections with the world famous Ice Bucket Challenge, created to raise funds to tackle Motor Neurone Disease, and in his opinion, so many funny things happened during the challenge, and on the way to raising 115million, they made seriously good footage. There is of course a dose of the good old Ozzy Man cynicism added to the reflection. And so he moves on to Game of Thrones, his true obsession and seriously does a number, when he adds his special touch.
Steven Bradleys’ Olympic win in 2002 gets the treatment, as does Beer, viewed from a completely different set of hangovers, along with Crow v’s Cat and Man v’s Chair. Who would have thought………
Over the past three years he has become seriously famous, he has had a ‘shot’ at most things, has created a ‘cult’ following who enjoy his somewhat ‘psychedelic’ look at the modern world, gathering a few laughs and fans along the way.
To help you, if Australian is not your first language, Ozzy Man has thoughtfully provided a dictionary at the back so you can check out the words!
Definitely one for the blokes, but the sheila’s (make sure your Mum doesn’t spot it) may just sneak a quick peek if you leave it lying about.
Warning, Vulgar as F*** Language is everywhere, but will make a great gift for the bloke who has almost everything, because he has been waiting for someone to give this him this. No bullsh*t!