Queen Macbeth

Reviewed By  Nan van Dissel       August 10, 2024


Author  Val McDermid

Distributor:      New South Books
ISBN:                 9781846976759
Publisher:         Polygon
Release Date:   May 2024  




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Dark Tales

Many readers will remember the story of Shakespeare’s well known play Macbeth, with its themes including good versus evil, the dangers of ambition and the influence of supernatural forces (the witches). In her well researched ‘Queen Macbeth’ novella, Popular No.1 best-selling Scottish author Val McDermid, provides the reader with a more historically accurate portrayal of the events surrounding Macbeth and his wife, Queen Gruoch (Lady Macbeth) time as rulers of Scotland.

The real Macbeth took the throne of Scotland in 1040, after killing his cousin King Duncan. When Macbeth was killed in battle after having ruled Scotland for 17 years, Queen Gruoch and her three lifelong companions sought sanctuary with the monks and hid in a remote monastery. After her son was killed, she discovered that forces loyal to King Malcolm were closing in; the Queen and her companions must flee.

By effectively flipping between the present action and Gruoch’s memories of the past, the reader garners a clear insight into how she met Macbeth while in an arranged marriage with her vile cousin Gille, who had proclaimed himself King of Scotland. Gruoch is no longer the scheming villainess, but instead a brave woman trying to survive, after the death of her beloved Macbeth. Her loyal companions are not witches but wise loyal women.

Readers, who have liked Shakespeare’s Macbeth will thoroughly enjoy Val McDermid’s poetic interpretation of events. Although, some readers will find that the useful glossary of traditional Scots’ words only covers fifty precent of words and expressions with which they are unfamiliar, this will not detract from the pleasure which this novella provides.