Red Dirt Country

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       April 1, 2020


Author  Fleur McDonald

Distributor:      Allen and Unwin
ISBN:                 9781760529291
Publisher:         Allen and Unwin
Release Date:   March 2020  




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Red Dirt Country returns Dave Burrows to the pages, no further advanced with the mess his personal life has become over recent years. Returning from an undercover mission in Queensland that saw him almost killed, Mel is not happy with him wanting to return to Policing, at least not dangerous police work.

With the birth of their second child only weeks away, his rehabilitation almost complete and the horror in his head almost under control, Dave gets an offer of work with the Stock Squad that sees him once again, and all to rapidly, in a situation that is both deadly and dangerous.

Before Dave can really get immersed in his latest case, he still needs to return to Queensland to give evidence in his last case. He is only known as Detective X and although he tries to get leave not to attend, it is not granted; all goes well until the presiding Judge, with a slip of his tongue, makes a terrible error.

Bulldust, never one to let an opportunity go by to even the score and to seek revenge for what he considers the destruction of both is life and his income, decides this is the opportunity he has been waiting for and takes action immediately to readdress the situation.

Dave’s new case,  set in the far north of Western Australia will see him and his new partner/mentor Bob Holden, a veteran Stock Squad detective, pitting their combined knowledge in a case that has roots deep into early Australian history; a history that will pit family against family, expose the brutal reality of the early settlers, kidnapping and murder along with cattle rustling are placing his and Bob’s lives on the line in remote country.

This case will also drive a bigger wedge between Mel and Dave, causing Dave to reflect on much of his recent past and some of what Bob has shared with him over the weeks of the case.

Fleur McDonald has created once again a gripping, powerful story about families and the price often paid, as Dave struggles to find a way through heartache and heart break that is sure to be coming his way.

Red Dirt Country has set the scene very nicely for the return of Dave Burrows and his next adventure as Ashley, aka Bulldust has turned where least expected, which leaves you wanting to go and get the next book almost immediately to see what happens next. The perfect place to end with a semi colon.

I would consider Red Dirt Country as one of the better, if not the best of Fleur McDonald’s more recent works wrapped around Dave Burrows and his younger days in Policing.