Song of the Current
Reviewed By Ian Banks September 20, 2017
Author Sarah Tolcser

Distributor: Bloomsbury
Publisher: Bloomsbury Children
Release Date: July 2017
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We meet Caro and her father, as they travel down the river on their way to deliver a cargo of timber for the lumber yards. As their wherry, the Cormorant, rounds the bend in the river they see other wherry’s either burned, sunk or damaged. That is when her father realises that something is very, very wrong. From that moment, Caro’s life will change forever.
Caro is the daughter of a long line of Wherrymen, having been bought up on the river with her father. Her greatest desire is to become a Wherryman, captain of her own vessel and daily speaks with the Gods of the River to allow her this opportunity. But so far, nothing has happened and she is getting very frustrated.
As they tie up at the dock a stranger, Commander Keros come to the ship wanting to speak with her father, marching him up to the watch house, where he is taken as hostage, accused of trafficking in guns, but guaranteed to be kept safe as long as his daughter will transport a special crate down river.
The crate is secretly loaded onto the boat and Caro and her small crew set of to travel to Valonikos, well aware that there are pirates in the area, they have a very fast sleek craft and that whatever was going on the journey would not be an easy one.
Little did she know just what was in store for her as she took charge, for the first time, of the craft that had been in her family for generations?
Fee her crew person, decided that if they were going to get killed by ferrying the crate, they needed to know just what was in the box, making the decision to open it; to their surprise they discovered human cargo, that of a young boy, a young boy who turned out to be not so young, dressed in foreign clothing with a rather unusual blueish tinge to his skin, and an arrogant manner.
And so begins the journey of Caro’s life: a journey that would lead her to love, understanding and what could be a new future with Marcus. But meanwhile a battle must be fought, a new understanding of the society she has always lived in and understood needs to learned, more of her mother’s way of life in the merchant classes than of her fathers on the river, should she and Marcus want to work together to discover a future that holds so very much for them both.
Sarah Tolcser has written an enticing read in her first book, which is guaranteed to make you want to see if there is a sequel to this intriguing story combining romance, pirates, fantastical creatures, mystery and mystique, set in a word that encapsulates all that the Fantasy genre has to offer.