The Good Teacher

Reviewed By  Ian Banks       October 17, 2020


Author  Petronella McGovern

Distributor:      Allen & Unwin
ISBN:                 9781760875299
Publisher:         Allen & Unwin
Release Date:   September 2020  


The Good Teacher, the second book from acclaimed story teller Petronella McGovern sets the stage for another cliff hanger of a mystery as she takes the vulnerability and kindness of humans and their sense of community to weave an addictive read, which is taught, tight and terrific.

Allison’s marriage of more than twenty four  years is over; her husband moving in with a much younger woman leaving Allison grieving, facing challenges she never ever thought she would have to and struggling to rebuild her life. Her teenage son Felix is living between the two homes which causes her considerable distress.

It is not until Luke, a widower and his young daughter arrive in town, with Gracie being enrolled in Allison’s class at the beginning of the new term, life appears to be settling into a more normal routine.  Gracie has cancer and when she is offered a chance to go to America the community, led by Allison and Maz, a friend of Luke’s made through the local gym, begins a fundraising venture to send Gracie to America.

But all is not as it seems as Allison is accused of continually stalking her former husband and when the Police keep on calling on her about this she begins to wonder what is happening. Perhaps she is still doing this which just adds to the confusion her life has suddenly become.

Gracie and Luke eventually leave for America but all too soon it becomes apparent that something is not right, but what. It is not until Allison takes a trip to America to be supportive she begins to realise something is definitely not right and so the plot, set by McGovern, very slowly comes to the first sharp and completely unexpected turning point.

As in her previous novel Six Minutes, McGovern takes the reader to the pinnacle before dropping them into free-fall as what they thought was going to happen next, simply does not and the next page must be turned.

In a nutshell, The Good Teacher is a riveting read, a great book and terrific story based on kindness, community and the redefinition of what truly makes up family!