The Honourable Phryne Fisher Returns

Reviewed By  Ian Banks       November 26, 2014


Author  Kerry Greenwood

ISBN:                 978-1-74331-318-3
Publisher:         Allen & Unwin
Release Date:    





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Fans of Phyrne Fisher, reserve the couch, set out the chocolate box and get set to enjoy a compendium of three Phryne Fisher murder mysteries under one cover; that is book cover, of course!

Wherever Phyrne Fisher goes there seems to be murder of the first degree that needs solving as only she can, which of course means she has to throw caution to the wind to be able to solve the case. But, as with all dashing young things who are socially well connected, there are always compensations to be had in the form of handsome young men who just somehow seem to fall under her spell!

Comfortably ensconced in the upper levels of society Phyrne cuts a swath through the blackguards of Melbourne society to solve crime after crime, all with flair and pizazz, as only she can.


Death at Victoria Dock sees her dashing to the aid for her beloved maid Dot who has been kidnapped:

The Green Mill Murders see her chasing across the Australian Alps in search of answers which she eventually finds at the door of the Green Mill.

Blood and Circuses take Phyrne into a world of circus performance in an undercover role as she seeks to find out who is prepared to go to any lengths to see the circus fail.

Take a step back in time as you join forces with Socialite detective Phyrne Fisher in a time long gone and become involved in with her as she solves crime after crime, all the while still managing to enjoy life and its offerings to the fullest.

Kerry Greenwood has created true escapism in with her heroine Phyrne Fisher as she romps, in more ways than one, her way through Melbourne society.