The Horses

Reviewed By  Steph Bennett       July 27, 2015


Author  William Lane

ISBN:                 9781921924859
Publisher:         Transit Lounge
Release Date:    





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Getting the theme of this story does not take long as it is relatively straight forward and a scenario familiar to many. Set in a private school in the outskirts of Sydney it is somewhat a relic of bygone days; where the boys are expected to wear armour and tend to their horses, rather than attend lessons.

A pompous private school master pits himself against a newbie which allows him to continue his domination and outrageous bullying of boys in a school where, it would seem the teachers are more interested in the horses than the pupils! The problem is that when the school becomes isolated due to extreme rainfall, the carefully constructed world within begins to collapse in spectacular fashion.

Expecting this book to be obvious in its agenda of outing elite private school boy’s rituals and their anachronistic activities in many ways although predictable, it lacked a certain subtlety and in other ways proves to be somewhat disturbing.

If you have been to a private boy’s boarding school, you might find it of interest and may even be able to relate to some of the considered norms, which where and perhaps still are, prevalent in what could be considered an elite sector of society.

Promoted as being humorous and an exploration of subtlety and complexity of class perpetuating itself through the education of children, it may go some way to expose the wrong doings of the elite private system and give some pause to think about where society is going.

Ultimately this book is satire and it is not surprising to learn that William Lane has an Honours degree in Australian Literature. His interests include music and education. His style is engaging, with this work being placed firmly in the clever, but not very comfortable genre.