The Last of the Apple Blossom

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       August 2, 2021


Author  Mary-Lou Stephens

Distributor:      Harper Collins Publishers
ISBN:                 9781867226437
Publisher:         Harper Collins Publishers/HQ Fiction
Release Date:   July 2021  




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Beginning The Last of the Apple Blossom is a description of the fire that ravaged Hobart and its surrounds. It is so intense and visual that people who have experienced this terror firsthand may find this difficult to revisit. The first chapter begins with a young schoolteacher, Catherine, who sees the danger of the approaching fire and runs down to the nearby beach to see if it is a safe place for the students.  The date is February 7th, 1967. The students need to be seen to safety and then Catherine’s thoughts go to her family on their apple orchard.

Sadly, the family property has perished, and her parents are stunned and shocked at their losses; family friends have all suffered in some way. The young lad who worked at the school drives over to help the families.

Annie is a dear friend to Catherine and although a few years older, has always been a support to her. She writes some of the chapters and shares stories of her five sons.

Annie’s husband Dave’s friend Mark and his son Charlie are staying with them as Mark’s wife has gone missing and he is unable to leave until she returns. Gradually as some normality is restored to the various families, Catherine finds herself drawn towards the shy, slightly awkward Charlie and his father Mark. As their friendship develops the township is disapproving but it this friendship begins to reveal secrets that Annie does not want to have ever see the light of day.

As the days unfold, Catherine realises her parents will need her and she leaves her job and works hard to help restore their orchard and the thread of a community that can heal or regenerate even though the collapse of the Apple industry bodes ill for the small town.

Shattered dreams and obstacles are to be overcome and as always dramatic situations such as this bring out the best and worst in people. For some, their dreams will end, and for others their dreams have just begun.