The Poisoned Island

Reviewed By  Ian Banks       June 11, 2013


Author  Lloyd Shepherd

ISBN:                 978-1-47110-035-2
Publisher:         Simon & Schuster
Release Date:    




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Based in a time when the London docks and the Thames waterways were amongst some of the more notorious Ports around Shepherd has taken a time in British history when change was coming in the form of  a better, less corrupt  policing methods, which in itself was a cause for massive change. It is a time in history which is ripe with stories to be told, particularly around the Docks, and in doing so Shepherd has created a mystery rich in colour, tradition, change and intrigue.

When the Solander arrives back in its home port of London laden with cargo and botanical specimens requested by Sir Joseph Banks, it bought not only its standard cargo but the mysteries of Tahiti which would prove to be both threatening and deadly to those who sailed on the ship.

When crew men on the ship are found dead with hideous grimaces on their faces, Constable John Herriot is appointed to try and solve the crime which seems to be more of a puzzle than an attempt to murder. Nothing is stolen and yet the sea chest shave been ransacked.

The further Herriot delves into the puzzle he realises that murder has indeed been committed and by doing so places both himself and his family in danger.

What is the real purpose behind Banks’ request for more of a particular Tahitian plant growing profusely in the Kew Gardens Conservatorium and why are people being murdered to guard the secret?