The Second Worst Restaurant in France

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       July 29, 2019


Author  Alexander McCall Smith

Distributor:      New South Books
ISBN:                 9781846974212
Publisher:         New South Books
Release Date:   May 2019  




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Feeling somewhat frazzled by the everyday world and need to opt out into another dimension for a while? Step into the latest work from Alexander McCall Smith as he takes us, on a gourmand’s journey into France, this time, to yes, The Second Worst Restaurant in France.

Paul Stewart is once again in a dilemma. Recently returned from his time in Tuscany, he has committed to writing a new book on The Philosophy of Food, but somehow or other, as always, life seems to be conspiring against him, by complicating what really should be a very simple matter.

Gloria, his agent and now girlfriend has moved in with him, along with her two cats, a situation which is causing considerable disruption to Pauls everyday routine and although he is trying go get words to paper it simply is not working.

Pauls charismatic and somewhat eccentric cousin Chloe offers him lunch, an ear to listen and then a month in the country at her rented house in France. He grasps the opportunity with both hands. He heads off to places unknown, loaded down with a head brimming full of ideas, a cousin who seems to be not what she appears, coming to rest in a village that is, as it turns out, the home of truly the second worst restaurant in France.

After a dose of food poisoning, the birth of the waitresses child during service at the restaurant, followed by a call for help from Chloe, who is, or appears to be, lining up Claude, the chef at the restaurant to be husband number six, Paul begins to wonder if writing the Philosophy of Food really is what he want to do.

Caught up in the petty quarrels, family disputes and something rather sinister in the village of Saint Vincent la Colline, Paul quickly comes to realise that life will always take interesting twists and turns, leaving in its wake the question to be answered as always, Does the means justify the end?

A delicious Table d’Hote served up with a wry sense of humour, the very aroma of country France with a soupçon of McCall Smith levity from what could all to rapidly, under new chef Hugo, become The Second Worst Best Restaurant in France!

As always, a fabulous read transporting you to ‘some other place’ just for that moment in time.