The Wattle Seed Inn

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       July 17, 2021


Author  Leonie Kelsall

Distributor:      Allen & Unwin
ISBN:                 9781760879372
Publisher:         Allen & Unwin
Release Date:   July 2021  




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It is always grand to see a book set in South Australia. Leonie Kelsall does a fine job of sharing many aspects of this state, and the beautiful countryside around the River Murray.

Gabrielle is the main character in The Wattle Seed Inn. She comes from a wealthy and privileged background and was a partner with a man who was a highflyer. In business she was his PR consultant and was excellent at her work. Their private lives were entwined for some years until the relationship began to fray. Chastised by her partner for not having enough passion, Gabrielle decides to leave and focus her attention on renovating an old pub she bought years ago.

This slim, beautiful, sophisticated woman arrived at a tiny town one evening. She was greeted in the local pub with friendship and a large dose of culture shock. In the morning Gabrielle went to visit her purchase and was horrified by how derelict and run down it had become.  Previous owners had made alterations which destroyed much of the natural features. What a job she had to manage!

Despite the difficulties of finding workmen, she began to get help from some talented locals who were generous with their time. One of them in particular is strongly attracted to Gabrielle, but his problems prevent him from getting to know her. It turns out Gabrielle has problems of her own and when they meet their difficulties seem insurmountable. There is also a ghost in the story who was a previous owner who cared and loved the old Hotel.

Leonie Kelsall has not shied away from dark issues but has tempered then with humour, romance, and friendships.