The Yellow Eyes of the Crocodile
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley January 10, 2014
Author Katherine Pancol
ISBN: 978-1-74331-807-2
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Release Date:
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Translated from the French and loosing nothing in the translation this is an enjoyable, funny, wry look at family life in all its glory.
When Josephine’s husband runs off to Africa to run a crocodile farm she is devastated. More so than she thought she would be, but realises life goes on, somehow.
And so the new direction of Josephine’s life begins, with all it’s humour, pathos and unexpected twists and turns as she slowly comes to accept and reject life as it is now.
Her flamboyant older sister Iris, bored with her hedonistic lifestyle, while out at dinner one night, indicates to a well know French book publisher, she is writing a book based in medieval history.
The only problem with Iris’s story is that history is Josephine’s particular thing and so she sets out to convince her bookish, medieval scholar sister, Josephine, she should write the book as a ghost writer.
This is just the beginning of the mayhem that continues as Josephine sets out to try and conquer her fears, pay the bills, write the book and eventually fall in love.
Coping with her sister, her two daughters and her neighbours mysterious past keeps Josephine busier than she has ever been, but also takes her on a pathway of self-discovery to self-sufficiency.
As with all good reads there is a further sub-plot involved that of Josephine’s Society mother Henriette and her second husband, the very rich, influential Marcel, Josiane the love of his life and mother of his soon to be born child.
As the tentacles of the family living their lives, spreads and intertwines the story becomes totally fascinating in that, apart from one or two areas, you can relate to all that goes on and makes up the fabric of family.
A great, bighearted summer read which will keep you involved and intrigued until the most unexpected ending has you nodding your head.