Trumpedia Alternative facts about a real fake president

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       November 26, 2018


Author  Dominic Knight

Distributor:      Allen and Unwin
ISBN:                 9781760527365
Publisher:         Allen and Unwin
Release Date:   September 2018  




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During the reign of United States President Donald Trump the world has learned many things, one being that Fake News is indeed a reality and the sale of red trucker style caps in the USA have gone up to unprecedented levels, especially those toting the slogan ‘Make America Great Again’, words Trump believes he has coined, but on closer inspection it has been discovered these words have been used several times in the past, by Ronald Regan and then again by Bill Clinton.

In Trumpedia Dominic Knight has constructed a masterful work by taking a clear, clever and unbiased viewpoint of this novel President, so much so that the material gathered in such a short period of time, needs to be presented in Alphabetical order, rather then sequential order, which does make the reading of these past two years in American politics considerably easier.

With the mid term elections now almost done and dusted, as typically with anything to do with the reign of Trump, the swing to the Democrats has been such that the final numbers are not yet in, at the time of writing this review, it will be an interesting watching brief to see what happens next.

Knight looks at the people who have come and gone in the Whitehouse, the women involved in Trumps life, his children, their business holdings as a family conglomerate and the man most considered to have had a serious influence on American politics, Vladimir Putin.

America has long been a country at the forefront of world politics, for better or worse, and generally for the betterment of the American people, whichever way things are considered, therefor it remains a serious and puzzling issue, what were they thinking about when they elected Trump to become the 45th President of the United States, a point which is well presented in Trumpedia, and one the rest of the world would like answered.

Dotted throughout the pages are some of the Presidents infamous Tweets, various pictures taken from the scrapbook of publicity photos and most importantly for all people who are NOT American, the presentation of the Bill of Rights, the collective term for the first ten amendments to the US Constitution, the absolute bible of the American system, which have now been reinterpreted, as is presented in the segment.

The work is a fascinating retrospective, which when viewed from a wholistic viewpoint, is wryly funny but also very, very concerning. The next two years, should the 45th President remain in office, will be years that history will record, and no doubt will make interesting reading some years hence.

Well done Dominic Knight for taking on the challenge of making some sort of order out of the past two years in America politics, the absurd, the ridiculous and the cast of thousands involved in this yet to be concluded snippet in the history of the World as we know it!