Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley September 17, 2021
Artist – Rudy Adrian
Running Time
Dusk is a time of magic, the drawing in of the day, the gentle hint that night is to follow, the softness of a gentle veil falling over the day just past. It is a time for reflection, slowing down and preparing for the nightfall.
Rudy Adrian has captured this mystical time in As Dusk Becomes Night, a collection begun during the COVID lockdown of 2020, in a desire to offer a soothing, calm, peaceful series of songs to help with the somewhat strange, unusual times experienced by everyone; the stresses that resulted from a rapid change of direction in many lives. The challenge of times changing, but too fast to be easily adjusted to within a familiar structure.
Dusk flows into the darkness of the night, gently, softly, often without any fanfare, as do the eleven songs that make up an immensely relaxing collection which will do exactly what they were created to do, sooth and relax.
Perhaps it is best to treat the work as one piece rather than individual songs as they tend to flow effortlessly into one another, the titles directing the flow, offering a perspective behind each one which will hold differing meanings to each person.
Stars Appear begins the journey, a small tiny glimmer in the skies begins the familiar journey, as Dusk becomes Night. Moa Caves partway through the voyage asks to be investigated, the music changing as the night draws ever inward. The Crepuscular Wildlife is as intriguing as its title and brings to mind the dreamscape of the many strange and wondrous places visited in dream state.
Eventually, floating along courtesy of Western Wind the night Becomes Dawn, as a soft, fresh new day is beginning to break, bringing with it A Sunny Dawn.
That Adrian has used this natural progression of night into day as a metaphor for the dark days of the pandemic eventually giving way to fresh new beginnings, is hard to miss, but within As Dusk Becomes Night, he has captured the certain inevitability that after the darkness eventually comes the light and with the light, a fresh new beginning.