Beyond the Purple Sun

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       May 26, 2019


Artist – Jim Ottaway   


           Released:             April 2019

           Running Time:    59:58





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Having listened to this latest composition from Jim Ottaway at least five times to date, there is only one conclusion to be reached: This is the perfect excuse for giving yourself permission to do absolutely nothing for at least one hour, as you absorb the tonal majesty and travel to places never imagined, places hidden deep within, when you join the voyage to Beyond the Purple Sun.

The journey is one only you can take, as you choose the places and visions created on each section of the voyage, passing through subtle and almost eerie Celestial Rainbows, then marvelling at the perfection of Lavender Moons.

Dark Spaces do appear from time to time, spaces full of spectral sound creating an otherworldly foreboding full of intriguing, ghostly voices reaching outward, leading to the Birth of a Violet Quasar: a massive and celestial objects which has a star like image and beauty, which is thought to contain massive black holes that may or could be considered as a stage in the evolution of some galaxies. Stupendous!

Space Lightening would accompany the birth of such a magnificent and powerful celestial object; spooky, in an extramundane experience that is almost sinister in its feel. As with all things, the darker moments draw to a close once the Secrets of the Hidden Stars are revealed in all their glorious perfection; soft, gentle, hidden gems full of splendour and excellence.

This is a voyage that does not draw to a close, as eventually you go Beyond the Purple Sun in a gentle and timeless manner, floating free, relaxed and in perfect harmony with the soft, downy comfort surrounding you, as you free fall through space, to return whenever you choose.

Spacemusic as this style of electronica is known, is a genre that has no boundaries, no limitation and no set scripting; it is simply the place where the dreams, emotions and desires of the composer are allowed to flow-free, no encumbrances, no final destination. Beyond the Purple Sun as an album is simply that, free-flowing and perfect in tone and excellence.

Jim Ottaway is an absolute master of his craft, producing an ambient album of consistently beautiful pieces in Beyond The Purple Sun making this mediative, peaceful work a fitting addition to his Spacemusic suite of works as well as presenting his 13th International release.