Call of the Desert
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley May 10, 2022
Artist – Samer Fanek

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Multi-instrumentalist Samer Fanek was born in Jorden, moving to America in 2008. His latest release has been created from a strong desire to once again return to the country of his birth; to again feel and experience the Call of the Desert.
Call of the Desert Part 1 sweeps into voice with a beautiful soundscape, reminiscent of the evocative music from Lawrence of Arabia, Threaded throughout is some delicate and catchy piano which creates a gloriously robust and most enjoyable entrée to the magical journey beginning to unfold, as the music captures the imagination with a very definite flourish.
NIghttime Celebrations is a terrifically catchy piece with a great tempo, that captures the enjoyment to be found in the evenings as people come together to make music, enjoy the company of others with maybe, even a little dancing.
Moody, with delicate piano work, Where did the Time Go is a hauntingly beautiful piece asking nothing other than to relax into the moment, to reflect and enjoy the wonder of life as it moves ever slowly onward.
More introspective Into the Sun, is a melodic piece which creates the mood that is to be found when journeying throughout desert countries. The heat, the vast expanses and the sense of timelessness that prevails is truly majestic, ancient and full of many secrets.
Anyone who has ever visited a Souk, Bazaar or Medina, or even if you have not, will completely relate to the pulsating rhythm of life that exists within the mysterious, narrow walkways filled with amazing things and fascinating people. The Old Arabic Shop captures the very essence of these often centuries old trading posts and shops to perfection.
A fun piece, Dramatic Encounters is fast, punchy and has a huge amount of pizazz built into the piece. What could possibly be occurring is the enticing element of the song?
Pleading to you is a gentle, soft and romantic song that softly flow. The use of woodwinds and synth gentles the piano, moving the piece into a mellow, reflective moment in time. A lovely, delicate piece.
All too soon the Desert Rush is over and the Call of the Desert Part 2 has arrived to complete the wonderful return to places, times and emotions that come together when a journey is undertaken to the place of birth. Once again, gentle, reflective and full of acceptance, this is a beautiful song to complete an album that is an absolute delight from beginning to end.
Threaded throughout Call of the Desert is a sense of fun, of excitement and anticipation which adds a delightful element to a work that not only showcases Fanek’s award wining talent, but also has created an album which will be enjoyed time and time again.