Dancing on the Wind

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       January 4, 2017


Artist – Shoshana Michel   


           Released:             September 2016

           Running Time:    53 mins 05 sec

           Website:    Http:/www.shoshanamusic.com          




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Delicately a leaf blows across an open space, the soft morning mists lay on the ground before the day awakens, the gentle fall of a feather in the drifting breeze, are just some of the many images bought to the forefront of the emotions as you listen to the opening piece, When Leaves Dance, in this second solo album from the talented Shoshana Michel.

Heather, Roses and Midnight moves into a deeper, richer use of the piano adding a dreamy, mellowness evocative of the heavy scent of roses after a hot day, the slowing down as the relaxation of evening is there to be enjoyed; savoured.

Dancing on the Wind, the title track, is once again delicate and light, washing away the stresses and leaving in its place a sense of peacefulness; a sense of times past, of fresh new beginnings; of hope.

In these first three tracks you immediately come to understand the power of solo piano played with a light touch, with an engaged sense of emotional creativity and the healing benefits which come from the absolute beauty of sound.

As with most compositions much of the artists life experiences have combined to create each of the various melodies; some sad, some happy, many inspired by time and place, by the people met and the work undertaken. In Michel’s case, simply living life, following various pathways offered and finally, after more than 25 years away from composing material, sitting down at her piano allowing the ‘river of creativity’ flow.

Shoshana Michel showed incredible talent as a young musician, who at the age of 17 years, began her professional career playing honky-tonk at a pizza parlour and then moving on to become the ragtime Pianist at the famous Knott’s Berry Farm; over the many years in between the pizza parlour and her first solo piano release, Soul Whispers, she has played all genres at a wide range of venues.

She found composition a challenge as she felt she could not achieve what she required artistically and so sidelined this avenue, until she came across Chabad Nigunin (a collection of Jewish religious songs) which unlocked her incredible talent for composition and so this latest offering was born.

Each of the track titles is evocative of the mood, each bringing to the listener a sense of place, a moment experienced, a personal though or feeling as special minute, when you simply listen to the beauty unfolding about you.

This album has been created from original compositions, which shows a remarkable depth of understanding of the human psyche, which has entwined within each of the beautifully crafted and performed pieces.

Simply beautiful.