Hearing Music

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       June 27, 2016


Artist – Joanna Brouk   


           Released:             2016

           Running Time:    Disc 1: 52.77mins: Disc 2: 74.88 mins

           Website:    www.numerogroup.com          




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During the 70’s and 80’s Brouk’s work was ‘out there’, so much so that it was almost an eclectic group that could or even would appreciate the sounds, the vibration the weaving of one with the other to produce a sound that was elegant in a synthetic, stripped down, absolutely uncompressing manner.

It should not be at all surprising that her works, her compositions, are based on ‘geometric shapes’ as many would concur, music is simply mathematics refined to another level! But taking it one step further she describes herself more as a channel, than composer, drawing her inspiration from the world about her, the vibration of nature, of the earth, in simply reaching out and taking the time to truly listen, to feel, to sense the intrinsic rhythms all about her.

Her philosophy is perhaps best described in her own words:

“I realized that, in many instances, it didn’t matter what you said, it mattered how you said it: the tone of the voice, the rhythm, the sound…. Because sound has an incredible effect on other people, it can make them dance, put them into trances, it can control emotions by a certain pitch, a certain depth.” – Joanna Brouk

Back in the ‘70’s synthesisers were just beginning to become introduced to the music scene, adding a new dimension to what was an emerging ‘new age’ sound beginning to be created. As much of the sound Brouk heard about her was constantly playing in her head, in a much slower, more singular, pure form, she began to learn to play the piano, one note at a time, in an attempt to recreate what she was hearing.

Discovering synthesisers, and that Centre for Contemporary Music at Mills College not only owned one, but was beginning to experiment with ‘progressive music’, she immediately enrolled in the graduate program for electronic music.

In the following years she released many tracks and albums, all to acclaim, but on marrying and settling down in 1985, she tended to move away from this style of music, this lifestyle with her works remaining on the many tapes they were recorded on, so many years before.

In 2013, after much research carried out by Douglas McGowan, of Yoga records label, he rediscovered her tapes; her piece I Am The Centre, was released causing a considerable stir in the new-age, ambient, avant-garde community.

Hearing Music is a direct result of this stir as the people who heard and took note of this ground breaking music wanted, almost demanded, more of this vibrant, inspirational music. Under the direction of the Numero Group label we are now able to be beguiled, entranced and wooed into a sublime state of peace and meditation, courtesy of Brouk.