New Butterfly

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       November 26, 2014


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In a style vastly different, but complimentary to his first album Visions, Ishs delivers a more diverse aspect of his ability with acoustic piano.

 Contemporary to the last, with a bit of funk to change the rhythms and expectations, each composition combines to tell a story spread from Jakarta to Melbourne delivered as only he can, with care, timing and soul.

The opening track, Little Butterfly allows you to see and sense the passage of a butterfly, or traveller, breaking out of the cocoon to arriving at destinations point.

 Jakarta at Night lets you into the contrast which is Jakarta – busy, busy during the day but with a sense of peace and relaxation as the sun sets to allow the coming of the new dawn.

 A complete change of pace in the direction of the album and one that takes you out of the contemplative into the challenge of living is Unity in Diversity, a short exuberant and joyful piece which almost demands that you to stand up be part of and enjoy the moment.

 The final offering is Melbourne Still Shines states without prejudice his true love of his adopted City of Melbourne with all its diversity.

 As always with Ishs works expect the unexpected. Be prepared to enjoy a musical feast delivered by a man who can compose and work comfortably over several genres.