Rainbow Road

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       April 17, 2017


Artist – Nancy Shoop-Wu   


           Released:             2017

           Running Time:    46m.09secs

           Website:    http:/www.nancyshoopwu,com          




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Classically trained violinist Nancy Shoop-Wu has re-released the beautiful Rainbow Road album with bonus tracks from her earlier release Beautiful Mana’o in celebration of life, living and her connection with the otherworldly island of Hawaii, a place that has had and continues to have, a profound effect on her life.

Moving thereto take up a chair with the Honolulu Symphony some years ago was a decision that was to have a far reaching effect and one she did not expect; that of a love and affinity for the island and its mystique which was ultimately to change and influence the way she played and created her music.

As a member of the Honolulu Symphony she quickly discovered a broader application for her playing, sharing the stage with such as Yo-Yo Mah and Bela fleck. Her long held love of Celtic and New Age music was once again coming to surface, resulting in the two albums released , one of which, Rainbow Road was nominated, in the  prestigious Hawaiian Na Hoku Hanohano Award , becoming a finalist for Best Instrumental Album in 2016.

As you relax into this delicate album it is easy to relate to the magic to be found among the Islands of Hawaii, as each of the pieces is gentle and delicate, evoking much of the magic and mystique still to be found in the hills, valleys, rivers and waterfalls that dominate the landscape.

Adversity in the death of her much love musician father at a young age and the collapse of the Honolulu Symphony have each, in their own way, added to the inherent talent of this artist as she has, at these times, had to dig deep within in order to regroup. In doing so she has discovered and honed a talent that is as ethereal as it is genuine, with a depth of compassion and understanding which can only come from experience.

Derek Nakamoto accompanies Shoop-Wu on a number of the tracks with a delicacy that wraps around the music.  The final track Carry Me Home sees the debut of Nancy Shoop-Wu as a vocalist which adds a further depth to the work.

A true bonus to Rainbow Road are the final four tracks, as you get to enjoy for a little while longer, what is overall a most beautiful, relaxing and enjoyable transportation to a place which can be found deep with each person.