Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley January 26, 2020
Artist – Byron Metcalf & Jennifer Grais

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Divine emotion is summoned forth in the first few notes of the latest collaboration from Byron Metcalf and Jennifer Grais, Sacrament, the perfect vehicle to encourage healing and exploration which can be drawn from the bounty of Mother Earth. Both Metcalf and Grais are Shamanic practitioners and healers, both acclaimed musicians who enjoy exploring the realms of sacrament and ritual as a musical journey.
Sacrament emerges as a complex, reverential balance and blend of vocals, drums, flutes, nature sounds, rattles, spirit winds, and synthesiser to create a transformative work which will resonate with the searcher; the seeker of peace and truth.
Grais voice reaches out, encouraging the commencement of the journey, the first step on the pathway to light and healing. Listening carefully the sounds of the digeridoo, long used as a means of sound healing by the ancient indigenous tribes of Australia, can be felt and heard softly in the background. Gentle and yet persuasive drumming from Metcalf underpins the haunting vocals, grounding the energy, binding to Mother Earth in homage and reverence.
Shamanism is a religious practise often associated with tribal societies that believe the ‘holy man’ or Sharman, has the power and connections to the spirit world required to bring forth healing and transformation. In the modern world it is relative to the practice of deep meditation, self-healing, transformation and is often considered as a direct line contact with the spiritual realms.
Sacrament offers a wonderful peace, a delicate choice of healing regardless of the purpose for which the music is utilised. Deep, dreamy, meditative and traditional, Sacrament offers a sacred ceremony which is infinitely transportable, available to utilise the immense benefits of sound healing as and when required.