Within Us All
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley February 10, 2020
Artist – Monica Williams

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‘It is a universal, timeless human trait to search for a personal purpose, for fulfillment for a deeper meaning to life,’. These words, written by Monica Williams introduce the first track, You Are Compassion on her latest release Within Us All; a piece which is enhanced with light and delicate percussion from John Herrera, giving the work an almost exotic ambience that welcomes the lister in to a space of peace and harmony.
Made up of ten personal affirmations the work is simply put, elegant, in its purity of purpose and sound reaching out with the dulcet tones of the flute, played with an almost spiritual reverence, to create a calmness that washes over the anxieties of the day, to leave behind a feeling of peace and restfulness.
Joined on the collection by Sherry Finzer, Lynne Tredeau, Will Clipman and Michael Kent-Smith, each of whom add their personal magic to the various songs on which they accompany Williams, creates a beautiful, rich authenticity to the mantra or belief which underpins each composition.
You Are Memorable created in tribute to Rick Canham who passed away early in 2019, played on his flute in homage to his short life and immense talent, reaches into the depths of despair to be reborn as understanding that ‘our time on earth truly matters’.
Ethereal and delicate the light You Are Happiness is a blend of flute and guitar which is uplifting after the previous slighter darker shades; flowing on You Are Adventure carries with it the unmistakable tones of the mystical, exotic East.
Two Zi-Ci flutes combine to the backing of the Piano on You Are Integrity interpreting the voices that are the right and wrong, yin and yang, good and bad in our heads, the voices we choose to listen to on a daily basis; a short but a perfect reminder that choices, are made every day with integrity and honesty needing to be present always.
In a collection of pieces built around love, happiness and respect, the final piece You Are Enough reminds everyone that we are all perfectly imperfect, which is at the end of the day all that truly matters.
Within Us All is a blend of perfect coincidences, combined to create a calming series of musical mantras for blissful mediation and relaxation.