2020 The End of the Beginning: continuing the eternal journey
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley February 7, 2021
Author David Shaw

Distributor: David Shaw
ISBN: 979-8697798904
Publisher: David Shaw
Release Date: October 2020
Website: http://www.davidshawbooks.co.uk/
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‘Many shall fear the beginning of the end as the world attempts to recover from the events of 2020; yet as a little butterfly flaps its wings to the sound of glorious church bells, the herald of a new beginning will be all that has ended’.
This little phrase may help make sense of the title of the book 2020 The End of the Beginning: continuing the eternal journey as it appears to contradict, or could be considered as an apocalyptic dictate, which it is not. The reality is David Shaw reflecting as he is living through the cataclysmic events of 2020, the early onset of COVID -19 and the effects it has had on his family, his community and the wider community of Kilmarnock, Scotland.
Commenced five years ago and then arriving at complete stop, Shaw wondered why, after four previous books on spirituality, he should suffer a severe dose of writers block. Regardless of how often he tried words simply refused to be born onto the page. Moving on he put it down to experience and continued on with his work as a Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist and Past-life therapist, meeting regularly with his spiritual group.
At the beginning of 2020 his Guides decided it was time to recommence work on the abandoned manuscript of 2014, as a momentous event was about to occur which needed to be recorded and understood for future generations. The book initially was constructed of individual chapters discussing life journeys, spiritual influence and the many lessons learned along the way, each chapter with a fiction piece as told by different Spirit.
These early chapters revisited, now make up the basis of the work, with David Shaw adding to his personal journey as the world of 2020 unfolded. As the pages turn his words reach out as if in a conversation, one on one, discussing the very real issues that heralded a year of upheaval, distress, new beginnings, opportunities, change, distraction and sadly, death on an unprecedented scale on a global basis.
Shaw has used his contact with his Guides to try and understand what 2020 was all about and the ongoing ramifications of a world caught unprepared; held in thrall to a Virus that is rapidly developing the characteristic of a classic shapeshifter.
Fascinating, enthralling and enjoyable, he walks though his life, looking at issues such as perfection, forgiveness, love, success, truthfulness , failure, acceptance, evolution and the eventual ‘nirvana’, which in his case is the deep spirituality and beauty he discovered a Wailua Falls in Hawaii.
The question is thus, is 2020 simply a singular part in our evolution or something far more than that and if so, what will be learned; will life continue on as it did before. Those and many more questions are still far from answered, but in amongst the pages of 2020 The End of the Beginning: continuing the eternal journey a pathway is offered with a Guide to help along the way. What you choose to do with the information is yours to be decided as we all move forward into whatever the future offers, but it is to always be remembered as this book so dictates, that the ‘philosophy of the Free Dimension as bought forward by the ascended masters remains unchanged’!