Aboriginal Victorians

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       March 15, 2024


Author  Richard Broome

Distributor:      Allen and Unwin
ISBN:                 9781760879471
Publisher:         Allen and Unwin
Release Date:   February 2024  




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A history since 1800

This book is about how Aboriginal people have been challenged by change since 1800, forging a place in Victoria, to live as Aboriginal people in an altered world.”

This is how the author, Richard Broome begins Aboriginal Victorians A history since 1800, his research confounding people who believed there were no longer many Aboriginal people in Victoria, misunderstanding the fairer skins they were seeing as evidence of a race dying out.

Technology used to date the origins of these people over many years has shown an adaptation to rising sea levels and climate change by use of tools which shifted from stone to wood, nets which were made for trapping and baskets woven for fish trapping. This is indeed evidence of environmental adaptation.

Richard continues to describe the historic events which took place after European settlement. Even though the Aboriginal people had their land taken, their place names changed, and their people described in the most demeaning way, they survived. Many of their traditions, stories and culture although dismissed, continue today.

The author moves on to discuss the years between 1850-1886, where the traditional people were learning to negotiate two worlds. New Aboriginal Communities were set up after the 1850’s. These were formed from the remains of decimated groups whose numbers had dwindled and whose land had been taken. New alliances were formed and marriages which once would have been banned were now possible.

Part three of the book deals with assimilation,1886- 1970, the Acts, and the many challenges that face the groups seeking recognition and rights. “A new dawn through Treaty making, truth telling, and voice is slowly breaking through the dark of injustice.” Victorian people have opportunity to embrace the move towards a vibrant community of First Nations People, who will enrich their society.

“Aboriginal Victorians,” has won many awards and is acclaimed as leading research on this topic. This is the second edition and has been updated where the author felt necessary. A comprehensive Index and End Note section completes this wonderful research.