Always with you: Messages from Beyond
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley September 17, 2018
Author Debbie Malone

Distributor: Rockpool Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-925017-96-0
Publisher: Rockpool Publishing
Release Date: September 2018
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Popular Psychic Debbie Malone in her latest book Always With You, looks into love beyond death with a collection of beautiful stories from her clients, along with personal experiences to bring comfort to those who have loved and lost friends precious members of their families.
On the passing of a love one, everyone is affected in a different manner, with many spending a long time wondering if that gentle whisper, the special scent occasionally acknowledged, the gentle touch on the cheek in their time of sadness, is their loved one looking after them; is it real, is it a miracle or is it love sent and felt, that is timeless and wonderfully comforting.
In the number of the stories selected for this book, Debbie Malone commences with personal account of being in fearful danger, being warned several times of this impending danger, treating the warning with a cynicism which almost saw her in terrible trouble. The warning related to an incident that was to take place in a supermarket car park on a wet and windy winter’s night; her guardian angel shouted at her, letting her know that he was there to protect her and all would be well.
There is the lovely story of Tas Psarakis, a man who has an interest in the history and memorabilia of the American Civil War. At an auction he saw a tin-type of a Civil War soldier that remained in his memory. Tas eventually returned to the auction house and purchased the tin-type to add to his collection. This led to a desire to find answers as to who was this solider; Debbie Malone did a reading for him only to discover that the soldier in the tin-type was a man maned McGlinchy: this was a reading that was to surprise everyone with a result that was totally unexpected.
So many more delightful stories fill the pages culminating in the sharing of the life of Nanna, Mary Theresa Davidson, or ‘Nanna Duncan’ in Butterfly Kisses, which tells the story of Debbie’s grandmother, offering a peek into the life so many women led in the years when women had few rights and little in the way of support in difficult situations, and Nana’s friend of a life time ‘Nell’.
As always with Debbie Malone’s books they are filled with love and the certainty that love remains for always, loved ones are always there, sharing their love and caring, helping in many cases to guide, to help, to heal. The beautiful words from Robert Malone say everything that needs to be said when a loved one passes:
Remember me in your heart, your thoughts and your memories. The times we loved. The times we cried. The times we laughed and the times we shared together will always be remembered!” – Robert Warwick Malone (1926–2012)