Because I Love You

Reviewed By  Kelcey Ellis       November 26, 2014


Author  Barbara Toner

ISBN:                 9781743312711
Publisher:         Allen & Unwin
Release Date:    




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“Barbara Toner acknowledges the universal truth that advice should only ever be offered if sought. She’s chosen to ignore it, as any self-respecting mother should, in this heartfelt address to her own three daughters. The result is an indispensable guide to be shared by mothers and daughters of all ages everywhere.”

Initial impression on reading the back cover text (above) was: this might be a bit of light hearted fun and occasionally sentimental. You’ll be pleased to know it is much, much more written with such a sharp wit, this is highly intelligent writing on a subject that could easily be so mediocre. I need to mention when I think of the title I seem to make an unfortunate Freudian slip calling it “Because I told you so” could me the echos of my own mother! Toner’s text cracks along and makes for a very clever and very funny read liberally sprinkled with examples and observations from her life. I found myself reflecting on some of my own life experiences and nodding at the sage advice found in this book. Enjoy; you may find some of the advice helpful!