Eat Less, Live Long

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       December 22, 2015


Author  Jason Shon Bennett

Distributor:      Heron Books
Publisher:         Then Exceptional Health Company
Release Date:    





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This book begins with quite a few Testaments from people who have been ill, and have tried the author’s suggestions.  All of them found them to be a great help.  Jason starts by telling us how he was seriously ill, and how his life style was impaired as a child.  As an adult, he was desperate to feel well and lead a healthy life, and so he studied, and was able to heal his body, his health and his life.

The book explains the philosophy behind fasting, and gives many examples of medical studies that support his theories.  All of the studies are referenced at the back of the book.  The author points out the insidious weight gains in society, showing that children are heavier now than ever before in history and most adults are overweight as well

He says that we should leave the table without feeling full, but as though we could eat more.  We also need to restrict our calorie intake and eat all the recommended serves of vegetables and fruit per day.  Processed foods are not of any benefit to our body, and help to shorten our life span.

The author discusses weight loss drugs and weight loss surgery, but his most adamant issue is the idea of fasting.  “Fasting is the inner doctor” (Hippocrates).  Fasting is supposed to be done regularly and is accompanied by drinking vegetable juices, sleeping regular hours, and managing stress levels.

When you are not fasting, the author recommends a healthy, vegetarian, whole food diet.  The physiological effects on our body are discussed with fasting shown to be a natural process through history when times were lean.  Many cultures and religions promote fasting for the “freeing effect on the mind.”

It is essential to be well before you begin fasting.  We could all eat healthier food, and use the information in this book to promote our own well-being.  There are juice recipes at the back of the book, and it is explained which systems of the body they help.  The juices are needed during fasting, but can also be used as healthy drinks.

Jason is passionate and relentless in his pursuit of health and well-being, and also, in his desire to share this knowledge so that everyone may benefit.