Eat Pray Love Made Me Do It: Life Journeys Inspired by the Bestselling Memoir
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley June 9, 2016
Author Various

Distributor: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408881446
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Release Date: April 2016
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More than ten years ago Eat Pray Love hit the booksellers shelves and left them equally as quickly, as a travel/spiritual memoir from a lady called Elizabeth Gilbert hit a nerve right across the world, reaching out to so many people, male and female alike, with hope, encouragement and often with heartbreaking and touching simplicity, offering another perspective on life.
Was it simply thing like the right timing to launch a book such as this or that wonderful synchronicity that can a happen when something important needs to be bought to world attention? This is the ultimate question raised and one that can only be answered depending on what and where your beliefs are focused.
Over the years millions of people have read the book and millions of people have been affected in one way or another by Gilbert’s way of looking at the journey she undertook when she needed to learn to begin again and use what skills and tools she had available.
Many of the people whose lives changed as a direct result of reading her book have shared these experiences with her over the years and in this, what could loosely be termed sequel, we are invited to discover the changes made in the lives of fifty of her readers.
Each story is as diverse and the people who have offered them; from the woman who simply got up and walked away from an abusive situation, never to return, to the woman struggling to cope with the death of a much love mother, a man who finally stopped trying to control his ex-wife through the divorce lawyers and the man who cried and cried when he reached the end of the book, refusing to accept that there was not more to be had from Liz Gilbert and that if he wanted to make changes it was finally and irrevocably up to him to do something constructive.
Funny, sad, quirky, heartbreaking, joyful and adventurous, this wonderful, celebratory follow-up is everything you could possibly want, as you allow yourself to resonate to trials, tribulations and conclusions. Each of the stories is so very easy to relate too; who has not failed to ‘get it’, looked down the barrel and seen nothing there, lost hope, lost faith, been at the brink of despair or simply lost, confused and angry with life; we all have.
It is so comforting to know there are truly lots of others out there just like you, offering their solutions, the things that have helped them make a change, make a difference and allow them to begin again, to you.
If you have not read Eat Pray Love, maybe now is the time to do so, after of course, you have taken a very good stroll through Eat Pray Love Made Me Do It and then brace yourself, because anything at all can and most probably will, happen!