Elevate: A New Path for Leaders to Navigate Uncertainty

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       September 19, 2021


Author  Repa Patel

Distributor:      Leading MIndfully
ISBN:                 9780648949916
Publisher:         Repa Patel
Release Date:   Mach 2021  




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Elevate is an intriguing perspective on Corporate leadership well worth reading as Reba Patel references her own background within many aspects of her leadership roles over a diverse range of Industries which adds authenticity to what she has to offer.

Like many executives she came to the realization that she was not enjoying what she was doing and that climbing the executive ladder of success was becoming a rather hollow pursuit; in short she felt like a fraud.

Although she had accepted there was more to life than just simply being successful, she largely ignored her own inner advice until her health failed and as a result she was forced to take a very long pathway back to full to recovery. This presented her with time to find a better way to work, to still function as a leader and to maintain a good standard of health, to be able to enjoy what she loved doing, leading into a brave, new world of commerce and industry; namely the 4th Industrial Revolution comprising of physical, digital and biological worlds.

Based on the time old practice and wisdom of yoga and mindfulness, with the requirement of courage to face yourself, no easy task, and to accepted where you are at on your corporate trajectory, Elevate is not offering a brand new way of doing better, being successful and enjoying what you do, it is offering the wise, canny executive or leader a fresh new perspective on using their hearts, minds, their own resources, to lead authentically.

Patel uses case studies such as New Zealand Prime minister Jacinta Ardern’s handing of the Christchurch massacre with kindness and empathy, then by contrast the Morrison Governments leadership of Australia by a party that never expected to be leading the country, to better illustrate the need to change and how to go about change successfully.

Nathan Buckley, the former coach of Collingwood, faced the sad fact that doing what he had been doing, micromanaging his Club into failure to bring home a premiership, needed to be changed and fast. He needed a brave new approach to his management style or he was facing certain replacement, not an option for a much lauded former AFL player. He decided to develop a more holistic leadership style and build a connected team at Collingwood.

Patel also presents that the way forward is to bring curiosity, a willingness to try fresh new things and a desire to lead into a future that has been hastened into today, right now, by the advent of the COVID pandemic which has changed forever the way business is and has been done, to make the change to Elevate your leadership style.

If you are in need of a fresh new perspective to the way you approach your leadership lifestyle, elevate will help you find the calm within the chaos to be able to regroup and lead successfully into the future. Perhaps the infamous Jack Sparrow’s words could be your mantra:

The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.’ Wise words indeed.