Elvis and Me
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley October 12, 2015
Author Gillian Wills

ISBN: 978-1925048445
Publisher: Finch Publishing
Release Date:
Website: http://www.finch.com.au
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Gillian Wills and Elvis had much in common but they had no idea about this until they met one hot, sultry Queensland Christmas and Gillian became the owner of a retired racehorse called Elvis who was down on his luck, half-starved and in need of some love and attention.
As head of Music at a prestigious Music Collage Gillian was in the process of re-evaluating her life, her profession, and her future. On what appeared to be almost a whim, she decided she would like to become the owner of a horse, relearn to ride and enjoy the countryside. Her partner Rhys was also contemplating change and when they made the big move to Queensland it was the beginning of more than either of them had ever imagined.
Gillian bought her horse, Elvis, a down on his luck ex-racehorse who had seen better days. He was one step away from the ‘doggers’, had a bad attitude, was emaciated and emotionally scarred, but none of that mattered to Gillian; she had fallen in love with what was to become her entry to a world full of challenges, learning, enjoyment and eventually her own personal liberation.
As Gillian tells her story of finally becoming herself all with the help of a very suborn, saddle shy, horse, who not only cost a lot of money to bring back to good health but also had to overcome his mental challenges, we are also let into a world of changes, and challenges on a daily level, as she tries to understand the ‘horsey fraternity’, all the while struggling with her own self-doubt.
But as time goes by, and with the help of Fran, a ‘horse-whisperer’, as well as her mentor, Gillian begins to feel she is finally settling in to her new way of life and that Elvis is once again a happy, healthy horse, all-be-it one with attitude.
Along the way she also discovers that with some careful planning she can combine her love of music and professional world with that of being a ‘country girl’ with horse, which later on became horses.
This then led her to the wonderful understanding that to be able to accept and appreciate people for what and who they are is perhaps one of the greatest gifts you can be given or learn to understand, which also included acceptance of herself and her life.
Filled with understanding of how very easy it is to lose your way in life and how interesting and challenging it can be to find your way back again, while reaping some unexpected rewards.
The story of Gillian and Elvis is one that will tuck itself away in your memory and come floating back to the surface every so very often, to help remind you that to have the passion to follow your dream, to be who you are, not who people expect you to be and to live your life the way you choose, really is, absolutely OK!