Everything is Water

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       June 4, 2024


Author  Simon Cleary

Distributor:      UQP
ISBN:                 9780702268502
Publisher:         University of Queensland Press
Release Date:   June 2024  




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Having grown up by a river in Queensland and having spent many happy hours as a boy exploring this environment, it is no wonder that Simon Cleary felt the call of the water. He realizes that his desire is to walk the length of the river from its source to its mouth, to learn all he can and experience its many changes.  The Brisbane River has been in his dreams for a long time, until, after much planning he sets off.

Because there is no visible path along the length of the River, Simon realises that he will need help to make the walk take shape. He is joined by a Jagera man working to preserve cultural heritage, a professor who specialises in sustainable water, a naturalist brother, his sister and a son.

He was also joined by a Flood engineer and a journalist. In this way he would gain fresh perspectives about the river and uncover more mysteries about it and the surrounds. Some sections of the river would need to be travelled by canoe.

Each day at the end of the walk, Simon carefully noted all that he had seen. He also included stories that the Jagera man told him and information from the other members of the group. He describes the wonderful feeling of lying back at night to the sounds of the river and looking at the vast sky above.

At first the travel is relatively simple, but as the group gets closer to the mouth of the river many obstacles block their path. They backtrack often.

Everything is Water is a journey of wonder and thrilling moments which concludes with the disappearance of the river into the ocean. This is truly a joyous story and one that will inspire and fascinate lovers of water.