Flames of Extinction: The race to save Australia’s threatened wildlife

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       September 3, 2021


Author  John Pickrell

Distributor:      New South Books
ISBN:                 9781742237169
Publisher:         NewSouth
Release Date:   March 2021  




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John Pickrell is an award-winning science writer. He has researched Flames of Extinction thoroughly and is very careful with his data and predictions. The beauty of this is that John has the ability to present a vast topic in an understandable and eminently readable style. Without the heart-breaking emotive photos and descriptions, he explains just how many of Australia’s animals are in danger of extinction; not only threatened species, but common species as well.

Wild Fires in Australia have become more frequent and fiercer as the country comes to grips with the changing climate. The author investigates the effects of the 2019-2020 bushfires on Australian wildlife and ecosystems. He looks at stories from people involved with fighting the fires, rescuing animals, and conservationists. He also seeks information from land managers, and Aboriginal Rangers.

In one of the chapters, John discusses our valuable waterways and how they have become polluted as the aftermath of bushfires which leads to destruction of the plants and animals which live there. He has also looked at how we address the fires before they occur. It seems that we need to specify particularly sensitive areas and delineate them and protect them. There are many positive works being prepared to save our endangered species, but central to this is the issue of Global Warming.

Without scientists such as John, raising awareness of the plight of our country, it would be difficult to gather such a diversity of people from all walks of life, all focusing on the problem.