Getting to Know the Birds in Your Neighbourhood

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       November 7, 2023


Author  Darryl Jones

Distributor:      New South
ISBN:                 9781742238050
Publisher:         UNSW Press
Release Date:   November 2023  




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The beautiful, coloured photos in Getting to Know Your Neighbourhood Birds make it a splendid way to spend time browsing the pages. However, it is much more than photographs. The author acknowledges a growth of interest in birds due to Covid as people are spending much more time in their homes and noticing the bird activity around them.

Darryl Jones also recognises the wisdom and knowledge of local birds from First Nation People. The aim of this book is to reduce the frustration, as we see many similar birds and to make identifying them as easy and exciting as possible.

The largest section of the book shows species accounts. That is descriptions and information of individual birds. The emphasis is on bird families, some of the information is written and some is illustrated.

Common names and the scientific name of most subjects is given, the identification, size, distribution, home, food, and active zones are also explained. There is a Glossary of terms in the front of the book for reference, and such terms as the “Lore” (the area between the eye and the end of the bill) is explained.

For each bird, on a separate page, there is a photo and a short description. The details follow under headings and a “Did you Know?” section is included at the end.

The size of this book makes it convenient to carry around and the photos make identification easy. The images and the notes will not fail to bring delight. When you look at and read about the Spangled Drongo, described as a “Comical sprite producing strange un- birdlike noises”, you are well and truly on your way to enjoying a newfound hobby.