Hillary Rising: The Politics, persona and policies of a new American dynasty

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       September 4, 2016


Author  James D. Boys

Distributor:      New South Books
ISBN:                 9781849549646
Publisher:         Biteback Publishing
Release Date:   April 2016  

Website:    http://www.newsouthbooks.com.au 

With the race to see who is going to be the next President of the United States in the final dash to the finish, there has perhaps never been a more interesting time in American politics.

Already Hillary Clinton has made history becoming the first woman endorsed to run for President in the United States and to date doing a fine job combating her opponents more eccentric statements.

That she is, by her track record within American Politics, undoubtedly the best person for the job should go without saying, as right from a young woman growing up in a strict household, she has campaigned and worked tirelessly for her beliefs in the Democratic rights of not just the American people but by default the people of the world.

She came to world attention as the wife of Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States and with extreme courage faced the public backlash when the Lewinski affair exploded onto the world stage. No matter what you read on Hillary Clinton the one thing that comes through time and time again that she is a fearless and loyal person, who when she believes in what she does, carries out her mandate with integrity and intelligence.

Her career to date is stellar and based on hard work; she is a woman with a list of firsts to her name that are outstanding:  she is the first woman to deliver a commencement speech at Wellesley College, to be on the Walmart board of directors, to have an office in the West Wing of the White House, the First Lady to seek and win elected office, to visit more than 100 countries in her role as Secretary of State and now, the first woman to challenge for the second time, for the presidency of the United States. Time magazine has had her on the cover more than any other woman in history.

That she is ambitious, intelligent and an achiever is there on the record; that this somehow, in the world of two second fame, does not seem to be enough is beyond comprehension. Should she win the office she will without a doubt be the most highly qualified person, in political terms, to hold this office.

James D. Boys has done a remarkable work with this look at the life and times of this dedicated and talented woman. Many biography style works can often become booged down in detail, but in the summation Boys has cleverly given detail based on fact which makes interesting and comprehensive reading. At the end of each chapter he has added a summation making the work easy to reference or if you are in a hurry, a quick read.

A most enjoyable work on a woman who has already helped to make changes in the world of politics and no, as a candidate to the presidency, may well become the first President to the United States.

If you want a no frills, well presented look a woman who is known and respected in world politics you could do far worse than read this well researched, non-partisan, well  presented look at Hillary Rodham Clinton, billed as ‘ the champion of everyday Americans’ and perhaps the woman who may yet still make history once again!