How to Get a Good Job After 50
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley October 24, 2021
Author Rupert French

Distributor: Exisle Publishing
ISBN: 9781925820829
Publisher: Exisle Publishing
Release Date: June 2021
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A step-by-step guide to job search success
The title of this book, How To Get Good Job After 50 stands out from the crowd, but also can easily be overlooked as just another self-help style book, but the reality is, it is far from that as the advice, helpful information based on solid fact, and the many aspects of looking for work in the very much altered world of post COVID have been addressed in a practical, informative style.
Easy to follow, the book is aimed at the 50-year-old age range, which without a doubt is discriminated against when applying for positions of work throughout a broad range of industries and professions.
Information contained within the book is transferable to a wide range of job seekers, from the young person fresh out of college or University to the mature job seeker, right through to older people who retired or were retrenched at a more mature age and have decided to return to the workforce.
Various key areas are addressed, beginning with working out who you really are and exactly what type of job/work/career you are seeking, which while it seems the easiest thing to do, actually is not and forms the basis of what comes next, achieving the role you desire. Essentially you are working out your ‘worth’ to your next employer and then how best to sell yourself, your company of one, you, to get the right result; the job you desire.
Rupert French addresses the timeless issue of finding the right job for you, from the perspective of marketing yourself and how to present yourself in the best possible manner. Many larger recruitment companies use computer generated software to ‘weed out’ applicants therefor it is important to understand how to best present to be the one chosen for the interview.
Formulating the right Resume is critically important, which needs to be backed up with solid research into the company or firm recruiting, setting out the best application possible and knowing how to prepare your pitch, make the sale and seal the deal.
French also looks at the value of volunteering in your community, networking and learning to consider yourself as an entrepreneur of one, you. He points out the skills learned, the people met and the word of mouth representation go a long way to enhancing job opportunities.
He also sets out clearly the pitfalls and benefits of the ‘gig’ economy and the truth that it is here to stay, so now is perhaps as good a time as any to begin to understand this new form of commerce. Perhaps it could be your new future! The final chapter sets out some very helpful guidelines for the first day of your new career and the steps can you can take to make sure your first day leaves a positive, lasting impression.
Well presented, addressing the many issues of job seeking in detail, with a range of resume styles at the rear of the book suitable for larger and smaller companies, How To Get Good Job After 50 shows how to turn your slightly more mature age and experience into a win, win situation.