How To Not Work Forever: Start Investing and Build a Life You Love

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       July 22, 2024


Author  Natasha Etschmann and Ana Kresina

Distributor:      Wiley
ISBN:                 978-1-394-24886-5
Publisher:         Wiley
Release Date:   July 2024  




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How To Not Work Forever is a very well presented ‘how to’ guide to Investing so that you have choices as to whether you chose to work forever, or whether you look at the many and varied options available in today’s world; because you are financially able to do so, through smart investing.

Natasha Etschmann and Ana Kresina share their years of experience investing, each one beginning in a very small and hesitant way, towards building a solid financial foundation which would allow them to choose their pathway in life, rather than have it chosen for them.

In this practical, hands-on guide they look at all aspects of investing and why you should seriously consider, from a very young age, managing your money, wealth building and building a sound investment strategy. Over the course of the book they point out there is no such thing as ‘get rich quick’, unless for some reason you win lotto, or inherit a lot of money.

Part 1 deals with Getting Confident with Money, something we are mostly not comfortable with, as it is a subject seldom discussed, which covers the Why: why are you investing, learning to manage your money or rather, facing the hard facts of where your money is going and where you will find the money to invest; no borrowing allowed!

There is an excellent, very practical section on Investing basics, written in easy to understand language which will help all first time and any occasional investor understand the world of investment in a clean and concise manner.

Part 11 Start Investing and Build a Life You Love sets out strategies, options, various way and means of investing, risk strategy, safe investing, building a portfolio and most importantly, there is a considerable amount of time spent on explaining the Financial Market, how it operates, the many options, as well as the diverse and often complicated language.

Both Tash and Ana share their journey into the world of Investing, both in positive and negative circumstances, which helps keep the information in the book ‘grounded in reality’ which is of vital importance to anyone who is seriously considering investing for the first time. The Case Studies used are also very helpful as they are also full of very relatable advice.

By the time the Conclusion is reached you will have made a decision to either opt in, even if it is only in very small way or out. You will have discovered many investment options, some suitable for what you want to achieve, you will also have discovered the pitfalls and the very important fact of understanding Finance before you leap into the unknown.

How To Not Work Forever is a must have for anyone who is or has considered Investing or in just interested in the money market and how to grow your small investment into something very worthwhile.

Highly recommended!