I Think of You

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       December 25, 2023


Author  Alexander McCall Smith

Distributor:      New South Books
ISBN:                 9781846976452
Publisher:         Polygon
Release Date:   November 2023  




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If you have enjoyed any of Alexander’s McCall Smith’s books, you will undoubtedly be drawn to read I Think of You. It is his writing at its finest, showing the scope of his knowledge of life, music, philosophy, and people. Not only are we treated to some marvellous verse, but he has written explanatory notes about each section and sometimes each poem. Alexander challenges your heart and your mind as he presents this wonderful piece of work. He quotes other poets and discusses their ideas.

Themes such as love, kindness friendship and food, are used to take us from Scotland to Greece and Dallas to Helsinki. At the beginning of the book, the music from Scarborough Fair and Aida are compared. Both deal with love but from opposites ends of the spectrum. The poet feels that “It is a discourtesy to deny the legitimacy of love that does not conform to a particular set of expectations.” He follows this with a series of love poems that touch the heart of the reader.

Being the true Scotsman that he is, Alexander has a section in the book called, “ Love letters to Edinburgh.” He has written about the sun shining on a particular street and a poem which discusses the idea of the Scottish metaphor. The author reveals his personal likes which include clothes that are comfortable, telephones with wires, soap that is simply soap and milk which has had nothing extracted. He does not romanticise about the past, recognising the failures such as no dental anaesthetic and no antibiotics.

I Think of You and other poems is a keep forever book that will never find its way to leave your bookshelves. A tribute to Robbie Burns, Scotland’s national poet, ends this small book in a fitting way.