In Defense of the Princess: How Plastic Tiaras and Fairytale Dreams Can Inspire Smart, Strong Women

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       June 24, 2016


Author  Jerramy Fine

Distributor:      New South Books
ISBN:                 9780762458776
Publisher:         Running Press
Release Date:   June 2016  




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The author was raised by a hippy, feminist family. Her mother never wore a bra, and would NEVER consider a princess dress for her daughter. Even the author’s name, Jerramy, is one we usually associate with a male. As a child, she did dream of owning a tiara, wearing a princess dress, and living in a castle. For school, she actually made a castle and dressed as Rapunzel. All princesses are worthy and all need defending, according to Jerramy.

Disney Studios have produced many films about princesses. There is much debate about how these may affect the young girls who watch these films in wonder. For the author, the moment “when Rapunzel saw the Royal symbol on the tower and finally realised who she was…. a princess who was lost and found”. The debate then continues with the recognition that early Disney princesses were “meek and mild”, however, later characters show more resolution and spirit.

“When our daughters dress in their princess regalia, they are not attempting to be sexual objects…. they are asserting an ancient feminine force”. The author defends this statement by saying that children dream big before they are squashed by society. The princess phenomenon is an attempt to bring the “intrinsic princess archetype to life”.

When actress Emma Thompson said “marrying a prince is not a pre-requisite for being a princess”, she alluded to the princess theory. As the author makes the point that if all unacceptable male behaviour could be labelled “not enough Prince”, and boys were brought up to revere that status, society could see a shift in unacceptable behaviour.

However, for those puzzled women who never had, or wanted a princess dress, life can continue to be richly rewarding and satisfying.