Just One Thing: How simple changes can transform your life

Reviewed By  Nan van Dissel       November 8, 2022


Author  Dr Michael Mosley

Distributor:      Hachette Australia
ISBN:                 9780733648229
Publisher:         Hachette. Imprint Hachette Australia.
Release Date:   October 2022  




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When it comes to transforming our health and life style, it is often exceedingly difficult to determine what is fad and what will make that desired, successful, long lasting improvement. Look no further, doctor turned science journalist and TV presenter, Michael Mosley’s latest book “Just One Thing” based on his popular BBC podcast ‘Just One Thing’ is just the book for you.

 With his ever practical, easy to follow thoughtful guidance, you are able to introduce minor changes to your current daily routine, which will make a big and lasting impact on your mental and physical health.

As most readers are time short, the author has identified ten rules based on science, which will be useful for successfully integrating his suggestions into their daily schedule. They can be incorporated without having to undertake a major life overhaul (which rarely survives more than a month); changes include standing on one leg, eating dark chocolate, drinking water, having a cold shower in the morning and a hot bath at night.

This engaging, short, simple book, which is easy to read, has been divided into activities which can be embraced in six time segments into which he has divided the day. Each achievable suggestion is backed by scientific research, a case study and recommendations for easy implementation.  

Readers will feel validated to read about the well-being and health benefits associated with activities, which they are already undertaking in their daily life. The author has also included appropriate, interesting websites for those who wish to pursue the scientific research which backs his ideas.