Living Lightly: a journey through Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E.)
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley February 7, 2016
Author Jenny Light

Distributor: Ayni Books
ISBN: 978-1-78535-139-6
Publisher: JHP
Release Date: December 2015
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There are books that find you when you need them the most and this is one of them. If you have ever suffered with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or M.E. you will relate completely to Jenny’s story.
If you are someone who does far too much, cramming every single moment of the day to the brim, always on the go and never saying NO, this is well worth the read as it may save you from taking that step once too often and suffering from what is a completely debilitation condition, that once it claims you as one of its victims will change your life irrevocably.
When Jenny Light final realised she was not just suffering from an ongoing series of health issues, issue that were in themselves not too much of a problem, but that simply never seemed to clear up, leaving her feeling drained and spent, it was already far too late.
After she was finally diagnosed with CFS or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E), and then had to learn to accept that this was a condition that was not going to leave her in any hurry, she commenced on a journey of self-discovery, healing and recovery.
The process has taken many years, each step painfully gained with the lessons and insights learned now a comprehensive component of her life.
As you read through the chapters the many, many helpful hints, suggestions, reflection’s and affirmations she has used on her journey can and should be used in daily life by everyone to encourage and maintain a healthy, happy balance.
Each of the chapters ends with a reflection and affirmation, which if followed is guaranteed to bring a new perspective into your life; one of more beautiful ones is located at the end of Chapter 3, relating to Loss of freedoms and is titled Meditation on the inner pulsing of your life force. This can be used at any time by anyone, simply to let the trials and tribulations of a busy day go and encourage a restful night’s sleep.
Every so often there is a little poetry dotted here and there which is as delightful as it is refreshing.
At the end of the book are a number of recipes that Jenny has used and enjoyed to help her on her pathway to recovery, all of which look delicious, are easy to prepare and best of all, good for you.
Whether you are a person who does too much or simply needs to learn how to take time out, to slow down a little, there is something within the pages of Jenny’s story that will reach out to you, help you along the way and encourage you along your pathway to bring peace and good health back into your life.