Original Skin

Reviewed By         November 26, 2014


Author  Maryrose Cuskelly

ISBN:                 9781921640582
Publisher:         Scribe Publications Pty Ltd
Release Date:    





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Skin is more than just skin: it is a wrap, a temperature control mechanism; it is temperamental, purposeful and of utmost importance, responds well to pampering.



Sounds fascinating! It is. Right down to the very last page of information, skin gets you in, wraps you up and demands attention for each and every aspect of its amazing journey through life.

You come wrapped in skin and you leave wrapped in skin, but throughout the entire journey of your life, do you really understand just what an amazing organ skin truly is! Always taken for granted until injured, or out of sorts, skin just gets on with getting on, so to speak.

Within the pages of this unique story of one woman’s self-confessed obsession with skin, you learn about the many aspects of your outer covering.

Well written with a light-hearted touch and even a sense of the ridiculous at times, “Original Skin”, is packed full of fact, fiction, scientific research and history.

An interesting and informative read, for those who enjoy something a little different in their literary topics.