The Book of Blessings and Rituals Magical Invocations for Healing, Setting Energy, and Creating Sacred Space

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       September 20, 2019


Author  Athena Perrakis

Distributor:      Murdoch Books
ISBN:                 9781592338771
Publisher:         Quarto/ Fauir Winds Press
Release Date:   August 2019  




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Athena Perrakis is noted for her work with sacred tools and metaphysical education and is the founder and chief executive of Sage Goddess. It is this knowledge she shares in her latest, beautifully presented book The Book of Blessings and Rituals, for those interested in alternatives, light work or wicca.

Divided into the months of the year this gem of book is full of magical invocations for healing, giving thanks and blessings for the many special events that occur throughout the four seasons of the year. The Northern Hemisphere has been used for the seasonal guide; for those in the Southern hemisphere, simply flip the months and seasons accordingly.

Each month contains a variety of information beginning with the wiccan aspect of the month. January is The Month of New Beginning, heralding in the New Year, a time in the northern climes when the days are dark, cold and encourage a type of hibernation. A time to reflect, to plan for the months to come.

June is the Month of Balance, Cycles and Celebrations, being in the middle of the summer season, a time to enjoy, to reap the benefits of the hard work gone before as the gardens and crops around are coming into full bloom.

Regardless of which month is selected to begin this wonderful journey of thankfulness, each of the chapters has been carefully laid out with Ceremony’s, Blessings, and projects to undertake, as well as a detailed understanding of the significance of the month in the wiccan calendar. This also helps when requiring to refer back to a previous month or project.

Should you be new to the craft of wicca, the various projects will help you learn to smudge, construct small alters, work with crystals, create your own sacred space, which does not need to be large, as well as use invocations and blessings to find inspiration, healing and create fresh meaning around the best and important days of your life.

Beautiful colour wash illustrations make this the perfect book enjoy as you rediscover the blessing of returning richness and joy to your life.