The House on Pleasant Street

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       August 24, 2022


Author  Sofie Laguna, illustrated by Marc McBride.

Distributor:      Allen & Unwin Children's
ISBN:                 9781760526450
Publisher:         A&U Children's
Release Date:   August 2022  




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The House on Pleasant Street is a brightly coloured and detailed picture book that captures the eye immediately. It shows Pleasant Street, but with a most unusual house and weird characters around it. A rather forlorn looking boy is staring hopefully down the street. You see, Alby has just moved into the district with his embarrassing Dad and strange Mum. We know how hard it is to meet new neighbours, and develop new friendships, but when your pet is a dragon…….!

Fortunately, it is the eve of Halloween. Alby decides to go trick or treating and his Mum insists that Dad go as well. Things go smoothly until Dad interferes and Alby is forced to use Delia, his new pet, to complete a trick. Surprisingly this really impresses the local kids, who all want to discover more about the newcomer and his family.

The artwork creates an atmosphere that enhances the story. The expressions on faces says it all. The details shown are humorous, such as the banister of the staircase being made of leg bones, and dad looking like a cool vampire.

Lucky for Alby, his involvement in the Halloween celebrations, cement his relationships with the neighbours. This is one strategy for developing new friends. It is also a great way to share a story with others.