The Little Book of Everyday Miracles

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       November 26, 2014


Author  Sharon Snir

ISBN:                 978-1-74331-133-2
Publisher:         Allen & Unwin
Release Date:    




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This little book is a truly feel good look at life complied by Sharon Snir to help remind us that miracles do happen every day, often at the most unexpected of times and nearly almost always without a loud clanging of bells to announce “Hey, this is a miracle” .

Have you ever felt down and the smile of a stranger lifts your spirit! Ever questioned that certain something, often attributed to synchronicity, which in itself is a miracle, which made you take another look at an issue or chosen pathway with a better result, or in desperate times that still small voice offering you the way forward is, and are, and can, all be called miracles.

Sometimes miracles are offered so learning can be shared and lives can be well and better lived.

 Miracles are also offered to bring joy and peace, give hope and certain knowledge there is more to life than there seems.

Enjoy the experiences offered by very ordinary people whom have had their lives enriched and touched by small and large miracles as they share their personal insights with you.

Whenever you are feeling down, in despair or questioning your lot in life pick up this book, dip into the pages of miracles, believe and enjoy the reminder that life is truly full of your very own, very special miracles, along with the lovely feel good that comes with the experience that miracles truly do happen!